Friday, July 11, 2014

Update Time

Someone recently let me know that I hadn't updated the blog in a while. True.

I guess since I'm in the "sit and wait" part of the adoption journey, I feel like there's not really anything to update, so I also forget I have a blog to update. :) Well, today's the day.

In April I spent a weekend working in my child's room with my family. We worked on organizing the closet. Since I moved in this closet had become a catch-all and I can honestly say that I don't think I had taken anything out of there since the day I moved in. So, after a deep cleaning, a coat of paint and new tiles, and an organizer, my child now has a presentable and usable closet. It currently houses all of the great books, toys, and clothes that I have received for my child.

May saw my annual Home Study update interview. My social worker commented that she hopes we don't have to do too many more of these - but I think we'll have at least 2 more.

During June I completed my last parenting class where I learned about the different medical and emotional issues internationally adopted children can face. This class was presented by two people from the International Adoption Clinic that is a part of Children's Hospital in Milwaukee. It's great to know that there is such a great resource within our state!

So far July has been pretty uneventful. I'm looking forward to seeing all my fellow Ethiopian adoptive families at the annual camping trip in August.

It's hard to believe that it's been three years since I made the decision to adopt. It's been an interesting journey, and I'm sure the most interesting and rewarding parts are still to come - especially bringing my child home!

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