...Well, not soon...or in nine months...but I AM going to be a mom!
So, those of you who know me well know I'm probably not the best secret keeper, but I've kept this secret from almost all of you for just about a year.
This past summer a great friend invited me over to her family's Fourth of July celebration. I had a lot of fun, but especially enjoyed all the kids running around, including my friend's daughter, who is adopted from Guatemala. On the way to my family's annual Fourth of July celebration I made my life changing decision to start looking in to adoption. When I got to my aunt's I told my mom I made a big decision during my drive. She said, "You're going to adopt" before I could even say anything. From there, the journey began.
Throughout the past several months I have decided on an agency to work with, and a country I plan to adopt from. Every time I started to second guess or wonder about my decision, the Lord stepped in with a sign that this is what I should do - a reassurance I can't explain.
Currently I am in the home study portion of the application process and my last meeting is this coming week. After that is approved I can start putting together my dossier to send to Ethiopia. That's when the waiting starts.
This has been an exciting and emotional decision and I know that the hardest part is still ahead of me. So, when you're wondering how things are going or when my child will be coming home, please keep checking back here - I promise to keep this updated as often as I find out any news. I will also post any fundraising ideas and events that I have planned.
Please keep me and my journey in your thoughts and prayers, the next year could be very trying on me but the reward is going to be SO worth it.
Angie, it has already been a great joy to watch you come to your decision to become a mother. Then to witness the Lord working in great ways in your life to assure you He is there for you on this journey has been a blessing to me. It is a long and emotional journey that ends with a joy that only following the Lord's plan can give. I am so excited for you!